Posts Tagged ‘Ideal World’

The Last Cuentista

This year in Language Arts,  we read a book called The Last Cuentista. This book was so fun to read! There were cliffhangers at the end of each chapter and made me more interested and want to keep reading the book. The book talked about keeping stories and passing them down, so we wrote a story about a story that was passed down to you. I really enjoyed reading and talking about the book in our class. 

After reading the book The Last Cuentista we wrote a story about your ideal world. I really enjoyed writing this story because we got to write about whatever we wanted and we got to use our imagination. People wrote about cotton candy trees and a planet where you can breathe underwater. We also got to draw pictures of our planet as seen below. 

After we finished reading the book and writing the stories we got to do something creative. We got to make handmade books with Peg Gignoux. We used Akua ink and leaves to make different patterns. Next we cut and collaged the paper into our book. Finally, we glued our stories into the book.

Overall, 6th Grade Language Arts was so fun and I have learned so much. I feel like I am a stronger writer and reader now! I totally recommend reading The Last Cuentista.

My Ideal World

Welcome to my world Limitless. My world is called Limitless because my name Anya means limitless. Limitless is a world with only 2 seasons, winter and spring. The winter will never be too cold, but it does snow and there are skiing parks EVERYWHERE. In the spring it is the perfect temperature, it is never too hot. The best thing about this planet is that it rains money once a week! 

The people on Limitless are really kind and super organized! If you go into their house everything is organized by color and size. There is equality for who you are! Another thing about the people on Limitless  is that everyone gets along well. 

The children on Limitless go to school but it is not lectures, it is fun! The boring old subjects are gone. We play games to help teach the content. For the adults, every adult has a job if they want to. If they don’t they can stay home but no one is laid off.  

The environment on Limitless is like a dream. There is no pollution in the air. No trash on the sides of the road. The grass is very GREEN and the sky is always GOLD. There are two sets of mountains, on the north and south sides. One unique thing about my planet is that my planet is a cube. Another unique thing about my planet is that what it looks like at night is different from what it looks like in the morning.